Terms of Reference: End-Term Review (ETR) Transforming Lives Programme

Issue Date:                      20th October 2021

Geography:                       SADC Region

Closing Date:                   2nd November 2021

Assignment Period:         December 2021 and February 2022


  • Introduction to Transforming Lives Regional Programme

The SAfAIDS Regional 3½ year (2018-2021) programme: “Transforming the Policy Environment for Accelerating Access to SRHR by Adolescents and Young People, within an SDGs Framework, in Southern Africa” has been made possible through the generous support of Sida and the Sweden Regional SRHR Team in Lusaka, Zambia. It is focused at regional level influence of policy in 3 thematic SRHR spheres of sexual gender-based violence (SGD target indicator 4.7.1,

5.2.1. and 5.2.2.), adolescent pregnancy and unsafe abortion with links to maternal mortality (SDG Indicator 3.7.2. and 5.3.1.) and access to youth friendly SRHR information and services (SDG indicator 5.6.2 and 10.2.1). This Programme contributes directly to SDG 3 on Good Health and Well-being, SDG 5 on Gender Equality, and targets under SDGs 10, 11 and 16. At regional level, the Programme contributes towards implementation of the Strategy for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the SADC Region (2019-2030) and its Scorecard. The Strategy provides a policy and programming framework for Member States to accelerate the attainment of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for ALL people living in SADC1, within whose premise the Transforming Lives Programme sits. The Programme contributes directly to the SADC Protocol on Health (1999), Protocol on Gender and Development (2008), Minimum Standards for Integration of HIV and SRH in the SADC Region (2015); and Regional Strategy or HIV Prevention, Treatment and Care and SRHR Among Key Populations (2018), and Continentally to the African Union (AU) Africa 2063: The Africa We Want, specifically outcomes related to empowered women, youth and children, with all forms of violence against women being reduced by one-third by 2030; the Maputo Plan of Action (2016-203) and Maputo Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa, a composite of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (2003); and the Ministerial Commitment on CSE and SRH services in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA). While these and other commitments by SADC and African Union (AU) reflect commitment by policy makers to SRHR of ALL, in effect this remains limited to certain populations and certain SRHR issues, presenting hesitancy around contentious issues such as safe abortion and sexual violence.

Transforming Lives has an Impact Goal of improved SRH outcomes among adolescents and young people, in Southern Africa, by 2022. Its Goal is to contribute towards a more conducive policy environment that enables positive SRHR outcomes among adolescents and young women in Southern Africa, by 2021.

1 Strategy for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the SADC Region (2019-2030)


Its Pillars include:

  • Policy Development through supporting development of Sexual Gender-based Violence (SGBV) Response Guidelines for Adolescents and Young People by Member States; a
  • Policy Advocacy through advocating SADC Member States to scale-up Prevention of Early and Unintended Pregnancies and Unsafe Abortions among Adolescents;
  • Social Accountability Monitoring (SAM) by strengthening Capacity of Regional Youth Organisations/Networks in SAM for Youth SRH Information and Services in the region;
  • Evidence and Knowledge Sharing of models, innovations and strategies on Prevention of SGBV and Early and Unintended Pregnancies (EUP) and Promotion of Safe Abortions access among AGYW; including SAM good practices in promoting SRHR in


Targets and Beneficiaries: Primary targets of programme are policy-makers from Ministries of Gender, Health and Education as well as Parliamentarians; Traditional and Religious Leadership authorities; Youth-focused/led CSOs; and Networks of AGYW and Men and boys.

Secondary targets include RECs, SADC Parliamentary Forum (PF) and Regional CSOs. Beneficiaries are adolescents and young people in SADC region, in particular AGYW (> 24 yrs). Geographic Coverage: Regional policy advocacy in 16 SADC Member States; and pilot Pillar 3 national components in Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

2                 Purpose and Objectives of the End-Term Review (ETR)

2.1            Purpose:

The primary purpose of the End-Term Review is to review the programme for effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, sustainability and impact towards intended programme outcomes. Findings from the ETR will inform SAfAIDS, its funding partners (specifically Sweden/Sida), implementing partners and other development partners and State actors, on future design or redesign of programmes, and investment decisions for new programmes informed by evidence. Primary users of the ETR findings will be SAfAIDS and Sweden, and secondary users will be implementing partners, strategic and technical partners within respective sectors and thematic areas covered by TLives programme.

2.2            Objectives:

The objectives of the ETR will collectively review Effectiveness (effectiveness in this ETR implies the extent to which programme goal, objectives and key outputs were achieved), Efficiency (efficiency in this ETR implies extent the programme ensured that activities were implemented timeously, embedded cost saving measures and avoided wastage), Relevance (to programme beneficiaries and target audience, policy space and Swedish Regional SRHR Strategy), Sustainability (programmatic primarily and integration of approaches into existing external structures for post-programme life) and Impact of the programme, by:

  • Measuring change2in the SGBV, EUP and Safe Abortion policy agenda and environment for adolescents and young people (AYP), including shifts in allyship among policy actors and other programme targets; and service access barrier shifts for AYP through the pilot component of SAM4SRHR under programme Pillar 3;
  • Identifying key lessons, working models/approaches, stories of most significant change, good and promising practices; specific to policy development, policy advocacy and SAM4SRHR;
  • Generating recommendations for programme scale-up and to inform future resource investment in similar interventions for SRHR policy advocacy actions at similar or different scales, in cognisance of COVID-19 pandemic dynamics (current and forecasted into 2030)

2 In milestones, benchmarks and where relevant outcomes

3                 Methodology

3.1            Review Design:

The ETR will utilise a systematic and scientific approach to generate findings that will be reliable and generalised in similar settings within the SADC region, and for learning in other regions e.g. EAC region. The review design will be guided by the programme Theory of Change and the programme Results Framework. An explorative cross-sectional prospective study design will be adopted, as there was no programme Baseline or Mid Term Reviews that utilised similar approach and same target audience. A systematic selection of the sample will be used to ensure representation of targets and beneficiaries of the programme. There will be no follow-ups on the same individuals after the review is completed, as this is not a cohort study or evaluation.

The ETR will be conducted through an external Consultant who will employ a triangulated data collection methodology, using both probability and non-probability sampling designs to determine a sample representative of the key programme pillars. As such, the ETR will ensure balance and reasonability in geographic, gender, intervention scope and beneficiary sample representativeness for enhanced validity. Principles of inclusion, do-no-harm, recognition of rights and dignity, will be applied at all stages of the ETR.

3.2            Data Collection Methods:

The Consultant is expected to apply a mixed method approach that embraces qualitative and quantitative data collection methods, to ensure holistic and comprehensive examination of all aspects of the programme. Both virtual and physical (hybrid) methodology may be proposed, in line with COVID-19 pandemic dynamics, recognising the need to flexibly adjust methodology, if these shift to be more restrictive in certain countries, during the ETR data collection phase.

Measuring change for the policy advocacy interventions within programme Pillars 1 and 2, are distinctly different from measuring change through direct interventions in Pillar 3. Therefore, the Consultant will factor in process and outcome tracing approach to determine incremental changes, from the Pillars, which have or are likely to result in positive policy shifts.

The ETR will integrate a quantitative component to establish the knowledge, attitudes and practices of samples influenced by the use of SAM methodology under Pillar 3 of the programme; and among actors reached through policy advocacy in Pillars 1 and 2. As this review will focus on programme review, the Consultant MUST use a wide range of qualitative methods, including key informant interviews, case studies, testimonials, most significant stories and focus group discussions, to triangulate evidence generated. In addition, thorough review of programme documents which include the programme Results Framework, Theory of Change, reports and products, will be requisite for secondary data collation for the ETR.

3.3            Deliverables:

The following are the key deliverables, upon Contract signing with the selected Consultant:

  1. Inception Report with i) workplan with detailed methodology, sample size, data collection matrix, data analysis plan, ETR team, work-plan and ii) aligned budget; presented at an Inception Meeting with SAfAIDS;
  2. Draft ETR Report/Sequel drafts incorporating inputs from SAfAIDS and Sweden (two rounds of comments) in a pre-agreed format;
  3. Final Report, in a format prescribed within the assignment Contract; and
  4. Present Report to SAfAIDS and Sida, during an ETR Feedback & Recommendations Meeting The assignment will be completed within 48 days from the date of contract

SAfAIDS will support the Consultant through provision of necessary documents, sensitisation and mobilisation of key stakeholders and samples in the geographic areas and sectors where the ETR will be conducted, and provide contacts for selected key informants.

The Focal Point for the ETR will be SAfAIDS Head of Country Programmes, Strategic Evidence and Country business (HoCPS) with support from the SAfAIDS M&E team across the region.

4            Consultant Qualification and Experience

The Consultant must have at a minimum of Master’s degree in Public Health, Demography, Population studies, Strategic Evidence, Research, Social Sciences or related disciplines of technical expertise.


In addition, the Consultant should have evidence of the following:

  • At least 8 years demonstrated knowledge and experience in conducting and facilitating development programme monitoring and evaluation processes with NGOs;
  • Knowledge and experience in using participatory approaches and innovative facilitation techniques especially with young people;
  • Well-versed with reviews and research in SRHR and policy advocacy;
  • Experience with, and understanding of, the policy environment in the SADC region, including engagement with regional economic community SADC, and the SADC Parliamentary Forum
  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills, in English;
  • Strong understanding of the development context in Southern
  • Clearly stated references for works previously performed
  • High levels of flexibility, adaptability and creativity requisite for assignments of this nature

SAfAIDS collaborates with partners and service providers who openly recognise diversity and inclusion, as core principles in their institutional or organisational profiles.

5          How to Apply

Applicants who meet the requisite experience, skills and expertise for this assignment should submit a Technical and Financial Proposal no longer than 10 pages, in English, to  onias@safaids.net copied to florence@safaids.net

Deadline for submission, is 11.59 p.m. (CAT/CET) on 2nd November 2021.

The Technical and Financial Proposal should detail the following:

  • Understanding of the ToRs
  • Capacity statement, including demonstrated ability to handle the assignment
  • Detailed workplan, with clear description of the methodology and sampling procedure
  • Detailed budget aligned to the workplan
  • Matrix detailing data collection methodology, sampling, data sources and tools
  • List of 3 organizations, preferably regional or broader in reach, where the Consultant successfully conducted similar assignment; with contact details of the head of organisation and details of the respective assignment

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted, for interview pitches.
