Youth Advocacy Voices: Her Future, Her Choice

Her Future, Her Choice programme, supported by Oxfam Canada; in Zambia; contributes to enhancing #SRHR enjoyment & SRH outcomes among AGYW (10-24 years), by addressing barriers to SRH services & SRHR information, through combined interventions that catalyse social norms transformation, advance women’s & girl’s rights and counter stigma and discrimination. During the first implementation phase, over 800 young people, men & boys, parents, teachers and community leaders were engaged through social norms change campaigns; and capacity strengthening on positive masculinities; resulting in increased agency among young people advocating for their SRHR & making informed reproductive choices, and improved access to health care services in the programme districts. Her Future, Her Choice contributed to a decrease in teenage pregnancies in programme site at Chibombo district: from 57 in 2021, to 21 in 2022.

